Effectiveness Essentials - syllabus

Make better, more informed, and more strategic decisions.

This 10 module, 10-hour qualification will enable you to make better, more informed, and more strategic decisions.

  1. Introduction to Effectiveness

This module covers key definitions and terms and is designed to build an understanding of what effectiveness means in the context of marketing and advertising, and why it matters to brands, businesses, and agencies.

  1. Understanding “Short Term”

This module is closely linked to Module 3 (Understanding “Long Term”) and is designed to develop a top-level understanding of short term effects, some common associated metrics, and common contexts.

  1. Understanding “Long Term”

This module is closely linked to Module 2 (Understanding “Short Term”) and is designed to develop a top-level understanding of long term effects, some common metrics, and common contexts.

  1. Understanding “Business Metrics”

This module explores the wider business impact and value of brands, marketing and communications and includes some practical explanations of the key terms you need to understand.

  1. Understanding “Wider Effects”

This module highlights some of the wider effects and impacts marketing can have, including internal metrics like employee satisfaction, cause related awareness and public sector behavioural change campaigns.

  1. Effectiveness in Context

This module includes an exploration of variations across the media mix, category context, and B2B to demonstrate that not all categories and channels are equal when it comes to effectiveness.

  1. Effectiveness Culture

This module aims to develop an understanding of the key drivers, components and benefits of effectiveness culture.

  1. Brands & Behaviour

This module aims to give a topline understanding of the fundamentals of behaviour in relation to brands, marketing and advertising.

  1. Measurement Strategy

This module is designed to help bring together all the core elements of effectiveness under a coherent and planned measurement strategy.

  1. Commercial Creativity

This module explores the business case for creativity, including the link between creativity and effectiveness.